As you probably know, the last week of March is what we Christians call Holy Week. We at Hanscom Park have been and will be examining each day of Holy Week throughout the first five weeks of Lent. Then, when Palm Sunday arrives on March 25th, we will have the opportunity to participate in Holy Week in real time from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday. I hope you will consider participating fully in each worship opportunity that week.
Our 10 AM Worship Service on Palm Sunday will include a special offering of drama and music from our children, as well as all the excitement of waving palms…and maybe even a donkey will show up! We move from the excitement of Palm Sunday toward a more contemplative Holy Week service on Friday, March 30th at 7 PM. At that service, we will imagine ourselves in the shoes of the disciples as they ate their last meal with Jesus, and as they endeavored to be faithful – and failed. Then comes Good Friday, the day when Jesus was killed by the empire. To his disciples, it looked like all was lost. The Empire had killed their leader. Evil and death seemed to have the last word.
But God! God had other plans. Not even death could hold the one who was Love Incarnate. So journey to the tomb with Mary Magdalene and the other disciples on Easter Sunday(April 1st) with the expectation that God continues to do something new! Worship that day at either 8 AM or 10 AM. Celebrate the victory of hope over despair, love over hate, and life over death. We look forward to celebrating with you.